malta, Services malta, Yield247 malta



Few business owners realise that their new equipment / capital outlay are key company assets. On the other hand it is common that due to the day-to-day production issues, business owners overlook the importance of routine preventive maintenance & condition monitoring of key production equipment.


Equipment that is well-cared for, will last longer !!


By subscribing to a ‘Yield247 Service Checks & Maintenance program’,  companies invest in a better future with less break-downs and repair costs.


Without preventive maintenance, equipment operates at an ever decreasing rate of efficiency, ultimately resulting in:


  • loss in production
  • idle direct employees
  • emergency maintenance costs (both parts & labour)
  • planning aggravation/changes  etc....

Breakdowns can soon become your company’s next profit haemorrhage.  Is this what you want?


Preventive maintenance minimises and/or avoids such unexpected machine failures.  The intensity and interval of such “Checks & Maintenance Programs” are tailored as recommended by the OEM and our own experience.

Through Yield247 Service Program the company will benefit from:


  • reduced down-time / Increased uptime
  • reduces the time required for critical shutdowns or overhauls
  • the routine availability of on-site qualified service technicians
  • reduced maintenance costs.
  • reduces emergency breakdowns.