Nowadays, everyone knows what 3D printing is. For most of us this means the capability to produce a model of a static or dynamic component out of a polymeric material, without any material wastage. A 3D rendered model is first produced on the computer. This is then translated to the 3D printer, which builds-up the part layer by layer. This technology is nowadays more widely known as Additive Manufacturing (AM) .
Founded in 1989, EOS GmbH is a pioneer, a quality leader for high-end solutions in polymer technology and undoubtly the world leader in the field of Direct Metal Laser sintering (DMLS to manufacture industrial quality production parts in different metals. EOS enables customers to produce high quality complex products based on industrial 3D printing technologies, in both polymeric and also metallic materials (stainless steels, tool steel, aluminium, cobalt chrome, titanium, nickel alloys, and more).
Visit EOS website for more information