Injection Moulding Machinery

BOY 100 E

A little more of everything was the motto when developing the largest BOY injection moulding machine.




As a leading product, the BOY100E disposes of all the excellent features typical for injection moulding machines. 


Clamping force: 1000kN

Platen distance: 725mm (900mm)

Screw diameter: 28, 32, 36, 38, 42, 48mm

Pressure Range: 1320 – 2778 bar

Tie Bars: 4

Footprint (mm): 3850 x 1210 x 2200

Shot Volume: 73.9 cm3 – 280.5 cm3

Procan Alpha 2 Touch & SwipeYes

User friendly Controller: Yes

Integrated Quality Control: Yes